What is Sports-i
The Sports-i platform & application functions as a health, nutrition and performance data entry recording & calculation tool, but also communicates between Sports Scientists, managers and athletes.
Communication Functions
Ability to schedule visits & trainings. On-line communication and automatic updating via SMS & e-mail between scientists, managers, athletes and possibility of videoconferencing.
Statistical data
Athletes Health & Performance Indicator Statistics (text, graphs/curves), grouped by segment, age, etc
Cloud & Other Features
Provides updates & interface, detailed instructions, technical support, backups, data protection (GDPR) and many more.
What is Sports-i
The SPORTS-i is a complete CLOUD BASED data management system for athletes health, nutrition and performance data recording/testing, diagnostic & evaluation, medication guidelines, dietary supplements & prescriptions using the Online Prescription system (fully IDIKA certified) ), nutrition guidelines and evaluation, therapies and training.
It helps you keep an organized record of all your athlete data, which can range from simple demographics to medical history, diagnoses, recipes and athlete ratings, among others.
It offers the ability to dynamically search for information stored to make the most difficult searches possible. Finding athletes is designed to save time by relieving everyone in charge of time-consuming processes.
It offers unlimited possibilities for viewing and researching statistics with statistics and curves, as well as grouping results by indexes and/or segments (eg by age).

Visit-Training Calendar History
The history of the training visits is kept on a calendar by athlete with easy search.
Complete archive of athletes
Complete recording and storage of all athletes in which you have electronic data recording and grouping by department or sport.
Complete online athlete folder
Creating a personal dossier for all athletes, but also grouping them into a tab or curve of specific by selecting results to access their demographics, their medical prescriptions and their exams/ratings at any time.
Athlete’s personal notes and alerts
Ability to create modifications and save notes per athlete, which appear on his/her personal tab and act as a booster to provide a complete history.
Smart athlete search
Easy and easy to use Patient File Search Filter with search criteria the name and auto-opening of his/ her tab.
Ready prints with the scientist or club logo.
Communication Functions
Registration of appointments, visits and trainings
Appointments, visits and training sessions for athletes are recorded and they are automatically monitored, notified and updated.
Manage and automatically send test results, diagnoses, evaluations, therapies, fitness & nutrition programs.
Manage storage and automatic dispatch to athletes by index (health-nutrition-performance) or rating, ability to add and remove data in text (PDF) and curves for sending or printing.
Ability to schedule visits-trainings
You are given the option of scheduling, monitoring and dispatching alerts of visits and training to athletes through the application.

Statistical data
Data statistics
Multi-criteria athletes searches, displaying individual & aggregate (group/section) prescriptions, medication, indicator & rating exams, displaying their history and choosing to visit.
Multiple criteria search queries, cancellation, reopening, and printing. Record results of health & fitness indicators by choice and in individual or group curves (section, group).
Extra Features
Each file on the athlete’s health and physical fitness indices also provides statistics in a curve or graph based on the date of diagnosis and / or print-able evaluation.
Aggregated athlete or division / team evaluation based on multiple criteria.
Statistical report of correlation between evaluation results with multiple criteria and printability.
Cloud & Other Features
Updates and interface
Cloud-based design and implementation of the SPORTS-i solution enables the user to work from virtually anywhere with any device as long as they have Internet access. The concept of updating is being phased out as the cloud inherently provides us with these features.
Detailed instructions for use
A help guide appears on the home screen, with detailed instructions for using the SPORTS-i platform.
Multiple accessibility
Ability to access more than one account and use it from anywhere (computer, tablet, smartphone).
Keeping passwords
Your username and passwords are automatically saved and filled in every time you attempt to log in to IDIKA online prescription.
Back up
The concept of Cloud gives us access and protection of our data at all times and the security we need to be operational 24/7/365.

General characteristics

Record and manage your athletes, share calendars & results data, manage contacts & communication between you.

Diagnose, measure, evaluate, record and analyze results with guidelines for restoring your athletes health, nutrition, fitness/training and development.

Get in touch with athletes, responsible managers and associate scientists. Share information with all members of your club/network 24/7.

All records are protected by the Privacy Act (GDPR).
The SPORTS-i platform and application functions as a tool for communicating and recording results-instructions between the athlete and the scientists or the club. With the application, athletes have a complete picture of their health, nutrition and training without having to get in touch with their respective scientist each time.
Athletes use their platform/application to:
- They receive the results of their exams, diagnoses, evaluations and their fitness programs and all updates on their phone or computer.
- Have a continuous view of their records in electronic form (Electronic Athlete Folder)
- Call or send emails to collaborating scientists and coaches (all contacts are always updated in the app)
- Update their contacts or other information (accessible) as well as print and send details of their envelope where they deem necessary.
The USERS menu
The USERS menu is the central location for clubs and interested parties to find athletes, learn more about them and get in touch with them. Your mini-profile will appear among other things in the USERS menu, so this makes communication excellent.
Athletes & Network Databases
Athletes profile
Athlete profiles include all the details that are important to you: personal data, contacts, emergency contacts, notes, health information etc. You can easily enter athletes and organize them into training groups (departments). Training teams make it easier for scientists and coaches to share whatever they need with each other but also with the athletes.
Contacts are always updated
Don’t waste time looking for the old contact list file in Drive or Dropbox. You will always have access to the latest contact information of your athletes and their parents. They can update their details and data whenever needed.
Application form
Integrate your logo and information and introduce your athletes and their personal information. This way you can have the prints ready for your club needs. Once the athlete completes their personal details and sends you a notification to activate their account, they will be immediately synced to your SPORTS-i account, awaiting your acceptance. When you accept (activate) the athlete will automatically have a prepaid profile in your club.
Administrator and access rights
The SPORTS-i platform allows for different configurations to manage the data and selection of scientists and coaches that can be accessed, so you decide for yourself whether and which of your partnering scientists and coaches will have access and who (only in their own training groups) or all athletes in the club).
Mobile access
Associate scientists and coaches can add new athletes, view their profile and information, and change athletes contact information directly from their mobile phones. These changes will be automatically synced with other scientists, coaches and administrators in your club. The same thing happens when any of the other scientists, coaches changes one’s data.
Customize the template on our site to create an interactive website
An online profile aimed at promoting your club to potential young athletes and parents. The club profile is updated automatically while you simply manage your club and athletes daily.
The USERS menu
The USERS menu is the central location for athletes and interested parties to find clubs, learn more about them and get in touch with them. Your mini-profile will appear among other things in the USERS menu, so this makes communication excellent.
The only diary of the athlete and club you’ll ever need
It is a central calendar which means that whenever you create or edit a calendar event in one place, all interested parties will receive the update. The SPORTS-i platform shares calendar information with many different channels, ensuring that everyone has access to the most up-to-date information. If you use the calendar with your club and one of the executives makes some changes to his or her computer’s calendar, everyone will be able to see the changes. It’s a really powerful collaboration tool for club managers, scientists, coaches, athletes and parents.
Diagnosis, Measurement, Athletic Evaluation and Recording / Recording, Reporting & Sending Results/ Instructions
The athlete’s diagnostic & evaluation indicators allow you to track whatever is important to them based on their specific individual characteristics (age, level, etc.) for whatever purpose. Storing all the items and sending out directions and progress reports to athletes and/or parents is just the cherry on the cake. Record the results of your athletes’ health and anthropometric indices and give your instructions.
Create your own tests or use one or more of the standard tests we have included for you:
- Registration and evaluation of medical examinations, diagnosis and instructions (treatment, medication)
- Registration, calculation and evaluation of physical capabilities
- Registration, calculation and evaluation of body measurements
- Registration and evaluation of regular skills
- Registration and evaluation of technical skills Fitness/Exercise and Training Instructions